Though I'm a pretty minimalist drummer when it comes to my kit size, I've been expanding my set a bit ever since I started playing for the Tom Foolery Band. Over the past few months, I've acquired a late 50s WFL marching snare that I've converted to a floor tom and a 60s Slingerland rack tom. I painted both of them a dark blue to try to match the blue of the Ludwig duco finish on my snare and bass, but wasn't really satisfied...I started looking at wrap companies to see about getting a custom duco wrap, but, again, wasn't satisfied with that whole experience. So! I gave painting them a was pretty intimidating at first, but I think they came out quite decently. Thanks to TFB's saxophonist Frank for providing a ''lazy Susan'' rig!
Also, I got a killer deal on a 1967 Rogers Holiday set from the guys over at Indie Music in Milford, NH. A little birthday present for myself! I think I'll make this one my gigging set.. Didn't really dig the black reso head on the bass, so a white one is on the way.